How To Build Trust On Your Website

Trust is one of the most important aspects of a website. These tips can make your website more trustworthy and credible.

July 27, 2022
min read
Digital Marketing

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How to get customers to trust your website?

With so much competition online, building brand trust is the best way to differentiate yourself and gain loyal customers. Besides being able to get information about your product or service, the most important thing a potential customer wants to know is whether they can trust you. It doesn't matter if you're selling the best product in the world if people don't think you're serious. To build this trust, focus on improving your privacy and security.

While establishing strong security and privacy practices can help you build trust, a lack of these practices can cause customers to quickly lose trust. Once you lose trust, it's hard to get it back. This shows that building trust and then maintaining it is crucial to your success.

Setting up the foundation for trust

You can create a strong foundation of trust by putting the security and privacy of your customers first. Here are six elements that you can do on your website to increase a customer’s trust in your business:

Give Your Customers a Voice

Learn what your customers expect from you and how you can best meet their needs. Giving customers a platform to discuss what they like about your store and letting them express themselves freely through comments is a great way to make them feel engaged in a collaborative, constructive conversation.

Find out if your customers prefer separate accounts, two-factor authentication or single sign-on to protect their information and reduce fraudulent orders. Ask them about friction points and find out where you can personalize the process to make buying online easy. The more information you have, the easier it is to create an optimized process.


After doing your research, implement the changes that make sense. Finding the right tools may require more research or trial and error. Choose tools that give you the flexibility to make changes as needed.

The aim is to reconcile data protection, security and user-friendliness. Make changes slowly and continuously monitor for vulnerabilities. While implementing change may seem costly and impractical, it can save your organization a lot of potential legal and financial headaches.

Be transparent

One of the most important aspects of building trust is clarity with your customers. This helps reduce the number of customer service calls you receive and gives shoppers peace of mind knowing what to expect from you. Be as transparent as possible on your website so visitors know what to expect. If they understand why you're implementing a particular security feature, they're less likely to resent it.

Learning more about your business and why you make certain decisions can be an important part of building trust. Put a link to your policy in the expected location on each page for easy finding. Simplifying this process can mean the difference between loyal and lost customers.

Establish a open communication with customers

Nothing frustrates customers more than being unable to communicate their needs during the shopping experience. If certain questions and concerns are not answered immediately and easily, they will quickly lose interest in your products and abandon their carts. Make them feel like it's a conversation rather than tackling each issue individually.

If they are not satisfied, please consider their suggestions for improvement. Keep in regular contact outside of your marketing and sales materials to make your customers feel heard. Feedback and open communication can save you from potential trouble. When your clients trust you to be honest with them, they are more likely to forgive them when problems arise.

With the right processes, you can help balance security, privacy and trust for a more profitable future.