Create Customer Profiles To Reach Your Target Audience

Regardless of company size, every business needs to know everything about its potential and existing customer base. Learn how to develop simple and detailed customer profiles from the data you collect.

July 28, 2022
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Digital Marketing

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Customer analytics can help you better understand what kind of people interact with your product. Do you know who your customers are? The more customer data you have, the easier it is to create customer profiles. This can help you create more effective ads, optimize your store listings, and retain customers.

While most people can easily create profiles of ideal customers who may want to buy their products, sometimes creating profiles of actual customers can be difficult. The data you collect can relate to these three areas: The optimal profile contains information not only about demographics, but also about psychology and behavior. The information you need may already be in your data - you just need to find it.‍

Let's Start with the Basics

Most profiles start with some simple information:

- Where are most of your customers located? (demographic information)

- Why are your customers looking for your product? (psychographic information)

- Are your customers buying for personal or corporate use? (behavioral information)

Use these newly acquired data points to optimize your business plans. Such information is easy to find and forms the basis of your personal data. By aggregating this data and other relevant factors, you can get an initial idea of ​​who is buying your product. The next step is to find out what else you need to know.

Dig Deeper

Knowing your client's profession or industry, their pain points and goals, and their budget can be very helpful in determining why your client buys your product. To find the answers to these questions, you need to create profiles for each type of customer.

Remember to base your customer profile on real data, not guesswork. Although getting this information is a bit difficult, you can find these answers by using other resources and drawing conclusions from the data you have. For example, if 90% of your customers visit your website from an iPhone 13, they may have higher disposable income or be willing to spend more on the right technology. By understanding their needs, challenges, and goals, you can gain a deeper understanding of what customers expect from your company.

Creative Phases

Now that you know a few things about your client, it's time to get creative and decide what other details you want. There are several ways to better understand how to set up your website, inventory, and market to customers.

Some advice on where to start: Which customers have visited your website recently? Which pages do they spend the most time on? What is the first action you take on your website to understand how customers navigate your website? Are there pages or elements that take longer to display? Should these be labeled or easier to find? Do you have a lot of regular customers or a lot of one-time buyers? Do your customers buy more when items are heavily discounted or you list rare, expensive or luxury items? Do they follow your brand? Do they share your content? What have they liked or tweeted or commented on?

Combining Everything

Now that you have all this information, what are you going to do with it? How you put it together depends on how you plan to use it.

Change is the only constant in life. People change, their goals change, their circumstances change. Your personal data may also change or need to be updated periodically. Also, you may need to try multiple versions before finding the one that best suits your needs. An important step is finding the best way to understand who your customers are.

Remember, the more you know about your customers, the better you can meet their needs. Once you figure out and create the right customer profiles, it's time to put them to good use. It’s time to put them to good use. From your profile, you can determine: What do you need? What aspects of your customers are you still not aware of that you should know? Do you need to change your process or product to be more helpful to your customers? How to change your marketing campaign to better present your products to your target customers? Do the recommended articles on your website match your customer profile and are they in the right place? Is your current loyalty program based on what you think is important to buyers, or do you need to make changes? Need to start a loyalty program?

These changes can have a significant impact on your business and increase your customer satisfaction.